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Being Pregnant during Lockdown!

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I’m 32 weeks pregnant now and really starting to worry that this will all still be going on by the time I have my baby and no one will be able to hold her or meet her, or have my baby shower which I have spent a lot of money organising. If you are pregnant have you been affected and if so how? It’s really hard and we need to remember we are not alone x

over a year ago
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My friend had her daughter a week ago. Her parents live 5 minutes away and aren't allowed to see her.

I had a really tough pregnancy, I was hospitalised 3 times, had to be monitored each week, had to get bloods taken every 2 weeks, had recurrent bleeding, reduced movements, had to have extra growth scans, special injections, consultant appointments, was signed off work and had to be induced. Then my son was born with a complex heart condition and needed a life saving operation at less than 24 hours old. It was a horrible situation and was so difficult. We then had 9 months of torment and heartbreak before he had his 2nd life saving operation.

It was such a tough time, we weren't allowed to go out except for hospital appointments, weren't allowed family or friends to visit. It was very similar to this current situation.

All I can say is that this won't last forever and friends and family will be able to hold her. As long as she is healthy, then that is the most important thing.


I know it's hard and frustrating but try to remember that by not being able to hold your baby now, it means you, your baby and your friends and family are all going to be safe and alive to hold them later on and be around for your lives. Use video calling to keep in touch and try to remember that this wont last forever, but right now being apart means being around later on.

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