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Removing Cat Hair from Clothes

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Does anyone have a proper sure fire way to remove cats hair from my clothes. The things you put in the washing machine you have to wash at 80 degrees!! The sticky rollers only get a certain amount off. Some of the hairs manage to work their way right through the material to the other side and I end up using tweezer’s ! I’ve tried those sticky smiley faces - they remove about ten hairs each. I don’t put my trousers on until I’m by the front door - but as soon as I come home again the cats pounce like I have been gone for a year !! Any help please ?

a year ago
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Get rid of the cats, 100% no more cat hairs..


Antiwoke lol - now that’s just mean. I can go days without seeing people so I talk to my cats. If they ever start to answer then I know I have lost my last marble


I would groom my cat regularly to get rid, I used to do mine outside the house and I find brown packing tape is good to get rid of hairs on you, not the cat.


eyeballkerry I groom them all at least twice a day. Oddly two of them like to be hoovered- with the brush attachment and the setting on low. I haven’t tried packing tape - but now you have said that it’s also making me think of duct tape ! Thank you x


suevernon1968 I used to hoover my dog, sadly passed away now, we have got the dog grooming vacuum attachment for the Dyson. It worked really well.

LD Team

We groom our cat regularly too but have the same problem - what has helped a little bit more is after using the lint roller on yourself/the clothes use it on the cats if they'll tolerate it 🙂

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