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Do the Self Employed Deserve It? I Think So.

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We all know that a lot of self employed workers don't declare their full income so that they don't have to pay so much tax. I know quite a few myself, so I'm talking from knowledge.

So now that they're up poo street because they're not able to work, and have to claim from the government, do you reckon that they deserve any hardship that they will get seeing as they can only claim a percentage of their DECLARED profits over a set amount of time?

They deserve everything they get in my opinion.

over a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

If I was in that boat, I would accept it's my own doing.


Dennab My local hairdresser is taking a right hammering.

She never puts anything through the till and has been taking the pee for years.

No sympathy from me.


I hesitate to tar all self employed with the same brush but they are renowned for doing cash in hand jobs. Most earn a really good living as getting a tradesperson round is like finding hens teeth! They pick and choose without any care for how desperate someone is to get a job done.

A friend's relation runs his own plumbing company and lives in a big house, owns another, runs a top range car and yet even before covid was claiming benefits. The system stinks because if people take cash in hand there is no way of knowing what their true worth is and whether they are paying correct tax or eligible for benefits.

Basically, most earn enough to put money by for harder times.

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