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Shoukd You Get to Work from Home if It's Cold?

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Should you get to work from home if it's cold?

There's no legal minimum temperature that is considered to be okay/safe to work in, so if it's cold should you have the option to work from home?

4 months ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

I guess it depends what the job is really and if the role can be done from home. We’ve always had cold winters so i think as long as people dress right it’s ok.

However when i worked in a vaccination centre we did have an issue as they didn’t want to pay to fix the heating but as it was a clinical setting we could not wear jackets and had to be bare below the elbow.

In that situation i felt we had a right to feel hard done by


Try working outside like I do five nights a week and no I cant work from home as my job wont let me. It has been freezing too let me tell you.


my workplace will send people home if the office temperature drops below a certain point, as there’a regulation due to health and safety


I work in Supported Living Accommodation so the Service Users need their heating on & we put it on for them to make sure they're warm..

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