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Do You Sign up to Be "Kept Up-to-Date" When Entering Competitions?

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When entering competitions online, there are often tick boxes at the end where you have to accept the T&C. But often, there are emails to opt in to, like this:

"Yes please, keep me up-to-date via email:

- with the latest news and special offers from whoever

- with genuinely relevant offers and news from our sister brands

- with genuinely relevant offers and promotions from us ON behalf of our carefully selected partners. These emails will always be sent by us."

Obviously you have to accept the terms and conditions of the competition, but

I always wonder if it makes a difference to your chances of winning whether you opt in to all these emails or not.

I want to avoid receiving a lot of emails from a big array of companies when all I'm really interested is the prize, but I want to have a good chance of winning... What do you think?

over a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

I only do so when mandatory.

But I use an email address specifically for competitions for whenever I do receive any marketing emails.

If signing up to email newsletters isn't a requirement, then you are still able to win the prize. Good luck. 👍


It's a lot harder for companies to legally force you into signing up for any form of marketing with the stricter data protection rules (GDPR). They certainly shouldn't be basing your chances on whether you signed up for marketing or not. For a company giving something away, that prize replaces the cost of them paying for advertising as it has enticed you in to look at their wares or services. It's likely to be a much lower financial risk giving away a product or service as opposed to paying a form of media for advertising. For that reason, it wouldn't be worth the risk of harming their reputation by doing anything along the lines of what you suggested.


I've always wondered the same thing,whether it hurts your chances if you don't tick the boxes at the bottom of the comps.I usually tick them and then unsubscribe when they send me an E-mail.


laraquinn , that's been my approach so far as well.


Yes I have always had that feeling too,if you don't show interest they may rule you out!


Only if it's required. Although, I will sign up for newsletters if they offer exclusive competitions that non-subscribers can't enter.

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