Has anybody ordered anything from this website? There very cheap and do great sales which I really like but I don't know what the quality is like.

I've had lots of different items off of them from clothes to duvet covers to gadgets and ive never had a problem with them. Nice items at good prices.

It's a case of you get what you pay for. I have never been unhappy with what I have ordered but have stuck mainly to Christmas cards and wrapping paper etc. Have not ordered for several years as I now get that stuff in the sales and if I order online it is usually with Amazon.

i've noticed you have to have a store credit with them and they send you invoices, is that right? I don't like that kind of business, I just want to pay and not be tied into a line of credit. Which means a search on your credit history and a mark in it.

this is just a catalogue and they make their profit for those who use the credit option. just pay for it when the goods arrive and you will get a bargain
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