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Do Teachers Deserve a Pay Rise

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So teacher may be getting a pay rise, fo you think they should not all worked during the pandemic. Some did useless work given and was pure laziness, no phone calls no class meetings, I don’t think they should get one

what do you think

over a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

I have heard this is the case with some. However, my granddaughter has been going in to the school on public transport (40 minutes) every monday. Doing lessons, staff meetings and parental contacts from home the rest of week. She has finished her 2 years when they are then considered fully fledged teachers and has got a new job lined up locally for September. The money was good and they were so desperate to get her they offered 5k over the top. She teaches English up to 6th form and is her current schools Dickens and Shakespeare expert lol. She is well happy with her salary but I have to say she has worked hard and got a degree and masters. I do know not all teachers are as committed though.


Lynibis well done to here she risked public transport too. Sounds like a really good educated school. But I have heard horrible things from kids going to first year comp and have had nothing from school with advice guidance. My school was useless and I will be mentioning it. The kids deserved more not some photo from a text book or screenshot. My mate is a teacher and she even said pure laziness and showed me how she planned and it was pdf files videos alot of effort had been done.


Ann1984 you are quite right Ann1984. We are so often disappointed in life by those we expect more from. Too many people enter vocational jobs without a vocation and therefore do not give of their best.


And some have worked throughout the pandemic including the usual half terms and Easter holidays to school children of key workers.


Pjran but they were supervising children not teaching and I know this by my mate doing it they had to take in own equipment


Yes, they work hard to educate the next generation and are always subject to cuts, it would be nice for them to get a raise for a change.


I think teachers pay is horrible....if we think that they have huge responsibility to take care and educate kids. Their pay should be double.


Some teachers definitely work hard and are committed, but not all , they already receive a good salary thou, and as always in these situation what is forgotten is that there is a full team of support staff from teaching assistants through to caretakers who are also doing their bit and are on much lower wages yet we single out the best paid for extra remuneration .


My sister was a teaching assistant and packed it all in after 20 years because she was expected to plan and supervise certain lessons, the meaning of 'teaching assistant' was well forgotten and her hours kept getting cut. She now works for Nutmeg, same hours, more money and no travelling, but she does miss the youngsters.


lilyflower People always forget how hard all the support staff work in these schools.


If they commited and willing to do the hard work then yes they should.


Only those who have continued to work since March. Otherwise no.


I think public sector pay is generally too high, in recent years private sector pay and pensions has fallen dramatically and yet public sector pay has not followed. It seems unfair to tax people and award disproportionately high wages and pensions to those in the public sector for similar work. Case in point the majority of final salary pension schemes are in the public sector and often people in mid-ranking positions get them but out in the private sector such schemes are often reserved for the very highest earners, senior management etc. We have become much poorer as a country and ultimately wages and pension will have to drop considerably. At the moment we are paying ourselves far too much and building up huge debts because of it. That doesn't mean I don't think many public sector workers don't deserve great pay but you should only pay what you can afford. The legacy of debt we are leaving our children and grandchildren is absolutely disgusting. People think they have the right to money that simply doesn't exist. So to me deserving a pay rise is not the same as getting a pay rise. People don't seem to realise that every working person has about £100k of public sector debt and public sector pension shortfall debt on their heads. That's like a mortgage of debt on everyone's shoulders. In the real world in private companies they pay what they can afford but in the public sector they pay what they can borrow and get away with.

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