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Do You Think Children Are Having to Much Time off School.


Hi all just wonding what your though was about all this time children are having off school. Here in Scotland it's 7 weeks summer holiday then october it's 2 weeks then Christmas it's 3 weeks. It seem to day children are having a lot off time off school. When I was going to school we did not have so much holidays. I love going to school. Image

over a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

Hi nicolajaynehend I remember when I was a kid, the summer holidays never seemed long enough. But now I’m no longer a kid, I do indeed think kids do have too much time off if they’re not going to go on an actual holiday. Maybe they should get kids on working programs. I doubt that’ll change


Yeah i agree with hspexy, when i was a kid holidays seems to go by so quickly and never long enough 🤣 Im sure we used ti have 8 weeks off for the summer and they reduced it to 6. Now im a parent the holidays dont go by so quickly 🙈


lol they certainly don’t. And it’s hard for working parents, as you’ve got more planning to do...as well as hoping the kids have made loads of friends to have play dates with so other parents can be of help


I'm a teacher in Edinburgh. The school holidays are the same as when I was at school. There is a legal amount of time children have to be at school and the amount of holidays they get is in line with this.

The October holidays are normally only a week and Christmas is 2 weeks. You might a day either side of that depending on the authority you live in but its normally 6-7 weeks at summer, a week in October, 2 weeks at christmas and a week at Easter (depending on when good Friday and Easter Monday fall)


I remember years ago that there was talk of changing school holidays to equal periods over the year. Maybe 3 or 4 weeks every three to four months. Seemed a great idea but never materialised.

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