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Why Does Everything Revolve around Social Media?


I hate social media (LD is the only thing remotely close that I use) but being a reasonable human being I totally understand other people's desire/need/addiction to it.

What does tick me off is the assumption by so much of society that everyone uses it. It is now almost impossible to contact any companies and even loads of comps are social media entry only.

I just spent ages doing a grazia survey but at the end my phone number was requested in the following format:

*** *** **** and specified 10 digits only, anyone have a 10 digits number? I certainly don't.

The only way to contact them was twitter, Instagram, YouTube or facebook!

Surely there are loads of people who don't do social media.

over a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

I believe with this you need to remove the zero at beginning of number. I hate social media but have Twitter because of school and lockdown.

And with times ahead it seems you need one of these formats to do or use anything


Actually I did remove the 0 but didn't understand why you couldn't just put 11 digits.

I can't see any reason I would need any of the social media at my age now. I have WhatsApp and email so along with my phone I have plenty of ways to communicate. Actually now I come to think of it, neither of my sons, or adult grandkids have social media. I think it would solve a lot of mental health issues if people deleted.


Lynibis The phone number is the the international phone number which replaces the 0 with 44 - most site automatically using the 44 leaving you to add the remaining 10 digits - this is nothing to do with social media itself.

I do agree that companies which assume everyone is on social media is just lazy


I actually just opened a twitter account purely because i needed to contact PS4 for my son about a PS4 gift card that wasnt working, the only way was facebook or twitter...and i definitely do not want facebook! Who really wants to see photos of what you've had for dinner or 3 billion photos of you/kids/dog?!?!

It really annoys me that when you say to people 'i dont have facebook' they look at you like you've just arrived from another planet!!

My boys' school has only recently started letting me know things via email because before it was all facebook posts. I was sick of telling them to email me as i dont use facebook, they got the message when i ended up giving the headteacher an earfull!!


It's that assumption that annoys me. I guess someone might say same about email but to me email is progress and has taken over from handwritten letters, so much speedier and convenient.

You are so right about fb why do people think you want to see constant pics of their kids/pets/dinners! I also found it so rude and aggressive, lots of swearing.

I also find it frustrating and upsetting when people are constantly scrolling when they have a live person in front of them craving their attention, fomo is such an insidious thing.


I got rid of my Facebook account around a year ago. I downloaded the saved data that they had on me and it was unbelievable. I was absolutely shocked on what they recorded and could use.

I'm trying to get my WhatsApp groups to go to Telegram because of the recent change in T&Cs, but they don't seem bothered. I don't want my chat shared with facebook tbh.


From your comment does that mean fb and WhatsApp are hand in glove? Is telegram similar to WhatsApp? I only have it to share photos for free with family otherwise would be content with ordinary phone text.


Lynibis You are correct. All WhatsApp communications are shared with facebook now, so come under their terms.

Telegram is basically exactly the same, but they don't take the p*ss.


TheChimp ok thanks for the info.


I suppose its so people can show off and pretend they are something they are not from the safety of behind their keyboard . I suppose this is as close as I get and WhatsApp to organise golf games with my mates (back in the days ! )

You can tell I'm rubbish at "selfies" , the main reason folks go on these sites I presume . Over 30 attempts at getting an acceptable photo for my passport renewal . Too dark , too much background , shadow in background , too little background , eyes closed, mouth open , too ugly , squinting etc ,etc finally one that was OK . Now have my passport , yippee ! But won't be posting any of the 50 odd "selfies " I took any time soon !


Lol, I think we can all relate to that. I daren't start on selfies or I will show my bad mannered side and blow my top. Why are people such show offs these days? It is not an attractive trait.


Lynibis I obviously don't have any "friends" in the Passport Office ! TBH don't need one till April (and probably not even then) but I thought I'd do it while there was little demand .


Golfforall good idea.


Golfforall 'Friends' are no good!!!!! and there's always demand.


12 days in total (including 4 days getting an acceptable photo ! ) .


The stuff people post is often things that if they'd said when out drinking they'd be very embarrassed yet they post sober 🤔🤯


It's your decision if you want to join and use it. The only "social media" I use is YouTube since there's actually good content.


I personally don't regard YouTube as social media but rather an extension of my entertainment channels. When I use it I am watching favourite clips from film, theatre, music etc. I do not interact with anyone or read or make comments.

And as I said, I HAVE made the decision not to use it so why must I feel compelled to do so.


I've not had any issues with fb,I have family overseas,it is nice to stay in touch that way.I'm also in a lot of groups,fitness,books etc..I've made some nice friends on there too 🙂 but I am trying to limit my time on there x


After watching a documentary called The Social Dilemma, my eyes were opened as to how they truly operate. I think people put too much of themselves out there.

My 14 year old sister recently made an Instagram account and she’s already been bombarded with messages from creepy men and pornographic accounts. There’s just no escape.


I knw, it's absolutely disgusting and we wonder why so many teens are struggling with mental issues. Coincidence that the figures have soared since the advent of social media? I think not.


You are not forced into using social media my old mother in law still writes in to companies.


If you read my OP you will see I said I do not use it, but I hate the assumption by nearly everyone these days that you do/should. I don't remember ever getting replies to handwritten/typed letters (and why should I have to send via post?) They should all be contactable by email.


I have a twitter and Instagram account and I use them purely for competitions. I have them both as private accounts so I can control who follows me. I have a fb account as I use it to keep in touch with family via video calls on messenger so my parents and in laws can see their grandson and I use it for competitions too. I occasionally post photos of my son on it but again it is private so only my friends have access to it. I don't have any of the other forms of social media as I don't see the point of them. I think that most people assume everyone uses it because they use it! I wouldn't use my twitter or Instagram if it wasn't for entering competitions.


I must admit I am contemplating getting some more apps to enter comps as I miss so many good ones that do not do website or email entry. Before I deleted my fb several years ago I won a royal mail game of thrones comp.

I think fb can be a great tool for families and friends to stay in touch and share photos but can't stand the endless look at me, look at my dinner, look at my kids, look at my drink etc and as I said the rudeness and swearing is horrendous. I can understand a swear word slipping out in unguarded speech but to actually type it with forethought is beyond the pale.


MrsCraig ...just wondering, how do i set my twitter as a private account? I noticed when i followed you, your name had a padlock next to it. I've had a few 'randoms' from usa etc follow me and ive just blocked them. Also, if i set as private, can i still have companies follow me and DM me for contact (i.e: matalan / competitions etc) - thanks 🙂


Lynibis I'm lucky that none of my friends are like that! There aren't endless photos of food or drink on mine and only the occasional one of kids or dogs.

I agree the language on some posts is just ridiculous but I tend to just scroll past it.

I enjoy using twitter and insta for comps and you can set them to private so you don't get random people following you


PinkElephant26 if you go onto the menu, the 3 lines at the top, go to settings and privacy, click on privacy and safety and then click on protect your tweets. That will mean only people you approve can follow you, but yes companies can still follow you and can still DM you.


MrsCraig thank you 😊


I think the assumption of people have social media is due to a change in times. People that enter competition the majority of people now have social media of some sort and if you don't you are in a minority and businesses will always target the majority. I have Facebook but its for messenger, I prefer watching tik tok and seeing what random stuff people are up to.


I get what your saying, but I run my cake business purely off word of mouth and Facebook and I could not fault it.

I do believe with everything that’s going on social media is a good thing in the respect people are communicating and keeping intouch x


I think social media as a whole has lost its novelty. Take Facebook for instance, that is almost 17 years old so obviously many other ways of keeping in touch with friends and loved ones have been introduced since then. When I first joined Facebook back in 2009, as sad as it sounds I was hardly ever off it. Back then it was a great way of keeping in touch with others, and also had some interesting apps (before smartphones and tablets became commonplace). The Facebook of today, however is full of narcissism, fake accounts, repetitive posts, fake friends and small talk. I still use Facebook, but no where near as much as I used to.

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