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Why Parents Are Loving This Back-to-School Letter


This viral spoof school letter was written as a response to the government's plan to begin to reopen schools in June. Many parents have been united in how utterly relatable the hilarious letter is – do you agree?

It goes without saying, parents have mixed feelings about the government's plans for a phased reopening of schools.

The decision to get all primary aged kids back to school before the summer holidays has left us all a bit confused and concerned, but this spoof headteacher's letter pretty much sums it up ... it's BRILLIANT.

Children's author Philip Ardagh wrote the funny letter, pretending to be the headteacher of his kids' school.

In it, he jokes about how schools might prepare to open again and the precautions they'll take to keep the kids safe.

A metal hoop tied to their waists? Yep, sounds realistic!



I think this is wonderful and it made us laugh! As it says at the bottom - let's hope they don't implement it! 🐞

over a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

I think it's the parents who need to go back to school of they thought for one moment this was genuine!


I'll bet there are those that think it is real, especially given the government's intelligence! πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ 🐞


tumblespots you have a point, most of them went to single sex public schools and, whilst academic, were very short on common sense.


Lynibis Short! I think is was compulsory to leave them somewhere else - anywhere else, in fact, somewhere they couldn't ever be found! and it clearly worked πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 🐞

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