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Woman given a £1,500 Fine When She Tossed a Cigarette out of Her Car Window

In the News

I know cigarettes are very expensive but this butt cost someone so much more than a packet of 20

This woman was fined £1,500 when she flicked her cigarette butt out of the car window

It would have been a lot less but she refused to provide details of who was driving to the courts

So she got a £660 fine in her absence , as well as costs of £840 to the council and a £66 victim surcharge

I didn't realise until i saw a programme on the TV last week that it takes between 18 months and 10 years for a cigarette butt to disintegrate as they are made of cellulose acetate, a form of plastic that is very slow to degrade


Oh look, another one of my posts locked for no reason , thank you

a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

This is what the police focus their time on? Sigh.

I see that this is also news on Metro: metro.co.uk/2022/12/29/james-bulgers-killer-jon-venables-could-walk-free-from-prison-in-weeks-18010631/

They plan on setting him free despite he had CP before.

"Venables has since been twice sent back to prison, first in 2010 and again in 2017 after being given another new identity, for possessing indecent images of children."

It's disgusting they're protecting a killer/pedo.


PhilipMarc They prefer prosecuting the soft touches P, and the other metro article i am lost for words about


PhilipMarc Where does it mention POLICE? This was probably a prosecution by the council, who seem to have taken over much of the work our boys in blue seemed to think was not worthy of their time.

Thankfully someone is doing something about litterers - I object to having to pay, via council tax, someone to go around trying to clear up after anti-social people.


davidstockport Thank goodness they prosecute this type of thing now, one of my pet hates was being on the beach on holiday and being surrounded by cigarette butts just left on the sand

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