LOL Surprise Pets Stock Checker
Where can I buy the LOL Surprise Pets in the UK?
The Latest Deals Stock Checker will help you find LOL Surprise Pets in stock in the UK. The new LOL Surprise Series 3 includes puppies, kittens, bunnies and the 'ultra-rare' hamsters. Expect a new collecting craze to begin! We'll constantly check for LOL Surprise Pets stock around the clock, and you can sign up for our FREE Email Stock Alerts.
Where is LOL Surprise Pets in stock and available for delivery?
What's the cheapest price for LOL Surprise Pets?
How often do you check for stock?
What shops do you check for stock?
No stores have had these in yet or letting us pre order ive checked argos smyths toys r us entertainer for weeks anyone know when the comin in (sheffield)
I have heard its supposed to be the 15th/16th December by someone who works in Smyths but I’ll still keep checking all the sites.
3 pack at Argos now, see
Hi Guys,
I just spotted a LOL Surprise Pets 3 Pack has just been listed by Argos, price £29.99. LIMITED STOCK.
These are like Gold Dust! right now in the UK. Please can you add a link to stockchecker.
I've just posted the Argos deal, here:
Here's another source to add:
And they were only 9 quid green ball but they are original 30 quid I stood with my daughter my daughter thus was rediclous and if it rubbish I'm taking money back but tbh I was impressed lolol so to 9 quid if I known this omg I'd bought few
Also listed at Argos here (but OOS when I looked):