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Tier 1,2 or 3 Just a Precursor of Lockdown-Circuit Break .

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Please accept my apologies for this if anything similar has been posted .Listening to the PM on Monday and coming up with the Tier system the government are adopting regarding Covid19 and then today with Matt Hancock announcements . It made me think announcements and there history of U-turns do you think its a case of while the govenment have good intentions the inevitable is that another full lockdown is on its way ?

I want to ask as since Covid19 arrived in the UK we have had the government profess they are following the science and then when the science says we need a short circuit break/lockdown and then it seemed they abandoned the science .

over a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

Sadly there is no "silver bullet" to end this thing .

The government has an impossible job of keeping us as safe as possible yet trying to keep the economy going even if only to a limited degree . Bear in mind the economy is actual people and actual jobs .

The Health officials and scientists have one job - advising how to slow the disease . The Government have to balance their advice with a need to keep the economy going to some extent . Doing both at the same time is impossible .

In my view there have been no U Turns as such (and if so what is wrong with a U Turn as the situation unexpectedly changes) . They have tried to manage the situation with subtle tweaks to control the spread .

They can't please everyone (or even a majority ) as too much lockdown will totally screw an already fragile economy , too little lock down and the virus will run wild . There are those who are vocally campaigning for a greater lockdown and those for less - whatever the government do they will be wrong .

The irresponsible are almost solely to blame for the current situation (mainly the "entitled generation " flouting the guidance and rules at every opportunity ) . Even with local lockdowns they will continue to disregard the rules and travel to places with lower restrictions carrying the virus with them and spreading it further .

In answer to your question - Yes I am pretty certain a full lockdown is inevitable the only question is when it will become unavoidable , and I wouldn't like to be the one making the decision .

Who knows though ? Maybe our irresponsible , idiotic younger generation might finally come to their senses and abide by the guidance (now Law ) and allow the spread to slow ? I have no faith in that happening though .


What do you class as this "entitled generation"?


Getsome I think we all know who they are . Broadly the 18- 35 generation .

Obviously they are not all idiotic and irresponsible , probably only a small but significant proportion are .

Many nurses , doctors and teachers are in that generation , I have quite a few as close friends . You know what ? They are more critical and outspoken about their own generation than I am .

You have to be blind not to notice which generation can be seen daily on the news videoing themselves acting like total idiots in defiance of the guidelines and laws . Must admit I haven't seen streets full of wrinklies doing likewise .


Golfforall Its not an age group its all generations. Ive seen young and old breaking the rules and the media is just blaming the younger generation.


Getsome What is your news channel of choice ? Not saying the older generations are totally blameless , but I have yet to see hundreds of oldies blatantly and deliberately flouting the rules as we see every single day with the "entitled , I'll do what I want " generation .

I'm afraid if you don't accept that you must be living in a very deep cave totally cut off from reality .


Golfforall The younger generation are being used a scapegoat when the problem steams from the incompetent government and the handling of the situation. Why were the students sent back to uni instead of doing the work online.


Getsome Why do we always blame the Government for OUR failings ?

We have to educate our youngsters , we have to keep the economy going (albeit at a reduced level ) to pay for all the support as well as the NHS and other centrally funded costs .

The Economists say keep everything open , The Health Scientists say lock everything down . The Government has to strike a balance between the two .

As I've said the moronic behaviour we have seen in the streets obviously doesn't help keep the spread down -quite the opposite .


Golfforall Why do I blame the government? because they are useless. 1mp and 1 special advisor breaks the rules and what's happened to them? Nothing and you are wondering why the public aren't following rules? They are creating a bigger north/south divide. They don't actually answer questions. They are creaming money off the economy. They are slow to react. They say they are following science but don't follow science. The most important thing to them is money not lives.


Getsome Its not their money , its ours . Hate to have to inform you , the government doesn't have any money of its own , its our money raised from taxes which pays for the NHS , unemployment benefits , job support etc .

I presume you get you news / misinformation from the Socialist Worker or similar ?


Golfforall Its our money that is being pugged away into private companies which are all friends on the government. The government is one who is failing and I think you need to get out a cave and realise instead of blaming the younger generation.


Getsome I will just beg to differ , for your own and your family's health and safety I would urge you to get off your obviously Socialist horse and digest all the facts in a logical sensible manner .

I'm sure you don't need to believe all the misinformation spoon fed to the gullible on websites that have glaringly obvious agendas .


Golfforall You are being spoon fed information blaming younger generation. But anyway if you see the government doing a good job and its all the younger generations fault, then we have no hope.


Getsome Think you should look at the figures (facts not misinformation ) that have just been presented in the live news conference before showing your ignorance of the situation ?

Whether you agree or disagree with how the government are handling the situation even a raving Socialist can't deny those hard facts that were presented .

If you want to protect your friends and family you owe it to them to find unbiased news and facts to base your opinions .

Its not a political argument , that's for later . At the moment we all owe it to each other to educate ourselves in balanced , factual manner . And I am afraid you appear to be choosing to ignore the facts .


Golfforall honestly you should really start taking your own advice before you keep blaming the younger generation. Every time it’s the younger generations fault when it’s not it’s the government and they should be leading from the front but they ain’t.


Getsome End of discussion , Please take my comments on board , and at least consider getting your facts from reliable sources .

Its not the moronic actions of the younger generation that is accelerating the spread of the virus its the government's fault !!!!

Come back again once you have educated yourself . Frankly that view is probably typical of the entitled generation and very , very worrying and explains why we are in this situation .

Really sad to see such selfish , ignorant views persist . You owe it to yourself , your family and the rest of the population to see sense . If you catch it by acting like an idiot how many others will you infect by the time you finally realise ?

Sorry I'm out of this discussion , with attitudes like yours and your unwillingness to accept facts there is no wonder we are heading for a very bleak winter .


Golfforall You need to get off you Tory high horse and wake up. The discussion is ended as It’s like talking to a brick wall. You owe it to yourself to wake up


I do not get it what is the difference between tier 2 and what was before tier 2 the new normal...I think it was the same.

I just fear they do not take it seriously enough....tiering here and there...

Lets say there is place in tier one and someone from tier 3 goes there and infect the whole place...it will be tier 3 than...and it will go on and on and on...


Non essential travel from Tier 3 is banned . You can travel to work , to shop , to take the kids to school , go to a Doctors appointment etc .

You cannot travel to , say , a Pub or other leisure activity (unless its an open space - not a pub beer garden to meet other households ). Next question is how effectively will it be enforced ? As we have seen the moronic , carefree activities of a minority have made this an almost impossible battle to win .


Golfforall I do not do any of those...not going to pub, garden....leisure is really limited any ways...also not go there, not even to beauticians.. Do not have family or friends around only socializing I get is when I que up to drop my daughter to school I chat with some people. Today the teacher sent a child home, because she needs to have Covid negative test to go back...but she was in the que with dad to get into school....Kind of insane..

In one of the schools 400+ kids tested positive...and they open, because the research based on a Summer camp in Denmark shown kids do not infect as much....but the Summer camp is not even like school, because there the kids are outside and not inside...

Does not matter what tier we are in it had no effect on my life, because it does not restrict anything from what I do...which is kind of weird..

I only saw police once walking around in the area...they not seemed to enforce anything, but they should.

The problem that the numbers can double till next week like this...kind of scary...


The problem is no one really knows what's best.

I'm in tier 3 and haven't noticed any difference honestly except I can't visit my dad. My kids still in school/college and I don't go to pubs etc. anyway. We still doing most shopping online. We all got to do whatever we can to all get through this

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