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Shine: Discover a Brighter You

Available from WHSmith

'This is an utter tonic. Lorraine at her most honest; a genuinely helpful book' DAWN FRENCH 'I love this book!' DAVINA MCCALL ________________________________ Lorraine has been a fixture on our TV screens for 35 years and is beloved by thousands for her warmth and down-to-earth interviewing style. Whatever life throws at her, she always manages to keep that signature twinkle in her eye. Now, she's ready to share her life lessons. There's a lot to keep up with nowadays: family, home, work, social media, the news... It's all too easy for days go by in a blur and before you know it, you're exhausted and the year has passed in the blink of an eye. Despite her hectic schedule, Lorraine has learned how important it is to listen to your body and your heart, and to take control of your life. Whether making small changes to your daily routine or overhauling your lifestyle and achieving those bucket-list goals, Shine will show you how to live every day to the fullest. Let Lorraine guide you on the journey to your best self with candid anecdotes from her own life, tips from the experts and practical exercises. You'll learn how to: - Spark: how to stay positive, confident and calm whatever life throws at you. - Glow: encouragement and strategies for keeping your body healthy and your look fresh, whatever your age. - Dazzle: how to get the best out of your relationships, family and work and make a difference to the world, even if it's just your patch. Uplifting, warm, and with beautiful hand-painted illustrations, Shine is a self-help book told from the heart.

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