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Savvy Mum Shows How to Make Perfect Christmas Selection Boxes for £1.50

Mum shares genius trick to getting Christmas selection boxes just right
  • Jodie Scott, 25, made her own selection boxes for £1.50 each
  • Jodie personalised each box and for the same price her children got a lot more sweets
  • Jodie shares tips for making Christmas cheaper

Christmas selection boxes can be a risky game: you can’t pick exactly what you want, there’s often not much of it and sometimes you can end up paying a premium for the sweet treat.

But one mum came up with a genius money-saving idea for her kids’ selection boxes this year.

Jodie Scott, 25, an assistant from Nottingham, was fed up of buying less than generous selection boxes, so she decided to make her own. 


The mum of two told LatestDeals.co.uk: "I came up with the idea because I was sick of buying selection boxes that had about three items in them and my children not liking them!

“When I came across these boxes in January I thought they'd be a perfect size and they can be reused which is a bonus.”

Jodie spent just 10p each on the boxes from Wilko, and set about creating her own personalised selection boxes to make sure each person she was gifting got their favourite sweets. She bought chocolates as well as £1 multipacks of sweets from Sainsbury's and Home Bargains


“The products used are multipacks of sweets, as they are the best value and best for small children as small children with too much sugar is never a good mix!” Jodie explains. "Although not every box is going to be the same, as some of them will be filled with chocolate.

"I'm happy with the ones I've done so far - I think they're a lot more personal and hopefully people will like them. Each box costs around £1.50 altogether.

"I think if you start Christmas shopping in January you get the best deals. I generally get all my gift boxes, wrapping and cards then.

“I’d also say keep your eye out for reductions on sweets and chocolates in November as most places will be reducing packs of sweets after Halloween!”


Tom Church, co-founder of LatestDeals, adds: “Jodie’s selection box hack is such a good idea - somehow, you never get as much chocolate as you were hoping for in a standard selection box, but here, Jodie’s kids will get loads more for the same price. We’d recommend joining LatestDeals.co.uk and keeping your eyes peeled for sales days, then stocking up on multipacks of sweets and chocolates to make your very own reusable selection boxes just like these.” 

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